C-2 Operating Manual

MFFK & ICE Tech join forces to bring the C-2 Greyhound into SL.
Live the ultimate COD experience!

Video links:

See the C-2 in action in the videos listed below:

Tutorial videos:

See the C-2 in action in the videos listed below:


Version 1.1 additions:

Version 1.0 includes:


  1. General Notes
  2. Systems/Avionics
  3. Approach Indexer
  4. GPU and APU
  5. Fueling
  6. Cargo system & GTFO!
  7. Annunciator panel & Failures
  8. Flight Characteristics & Notes
  9. Normal Operations
  10. Carrier Operations
  11. Emergency Procedures
  12. Chat Commands
  13. Acknowledgements

General Notes

Rudder control: In both Mouselook and External view, Rudder is controlled by clicking and holding the left mouse button, together with left/right stick input (arrow keys or a/d). In external view, Shift + left/right input controls rudder as well.

Stalls/spins: The aircraft is capable of simulating stalls and spins. In case of low RPM or engine failure, the autofeather system will activate. This will reduce drag and enable the aircraft to glide for an emergency landing (see relevant section below).

Mouselook flight: The C-2 was designed to be flown in Mouselook using the Primary Flight Display (PFD).

Checklists: Use the provided checklists to become familiar with normal procedures.

Paints/Decals: Decals allow the easy change of squadron markings and tail numbers. The main fuselage may be repainted.

Linking/Unlinking: The C-2 is modifiable and additional links may be added, however some caution is required. Please do NOT rescale the aircraft, NOR modify the names or description fields of existing links, or it will break. Do NOT remove any existing links. Make sure any additional links you add have unique names, different to the ones of already present links. To do so safely, right-click the aircraft and set all scripts to "no-run". Proceed with (un)linking, making sure not to change the root prim. When you are done, edit the C-2 and set scripts to run, from the pie menu. Then finally, reset all scripts.


We begin with an overview of the left seat pilot's instruments, including the PFD.

Pilot instruments
  1. Radar altitude in feet. This is the distance below the aircraft until the first obstacle is encountered. (SL land, SL water, or other rezzed objects)

  2. Angle Of Attack (AOA) indicator. Measures the angle between the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and the relative wind in scaled units 0-30. Optimal AOA in landing configuration is 20 units (needle should be inside the white band in the 3 o'clock position). Important: The dial scaling is relative to the optimal position. It does not measure AOA in degrees.

  3. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) RPMs. The APU generator provides AC electrical power as well as limited hydraulic power. Also provides aircraft autonomy, but draws fuel from both tanks.

  4. Primary Flight Display (PFD). Provides the following flight information: Indicated Airspeed (IAS) in knots (4.1), Attitude and Roll indicators (4.2), digital SL Altitude in meters (4.3), visual Radar Altitude queue as the gray tape in (4.4), Vertical Speed indicator (4.5), Compass (4.6)

  5. Torque indicator in HorsePower (HP) units. The readings are accurate only when the engine is operating at 100% RPMs.

  6. Turbine Measured Temperature (TMT) indicator. Yellow band indicates hazardous area and is accompanied by "OVHT" (overheat) warning light. Operating the engine in the area marked with the red band can cause engine failure. TMT may exceed limits during engine start (for up to 15 seconds), then reduce back to the green area of the gauge. If the engine was previously running, allow time for TMT to drop to zero, before starting the engine. Failure to do so may result in a "hot start" and lead to engine damage.

  7. Propeller RPM.

  8. Gearbox Oil Pressure.

  9. Power Section Oil Pressure.

  10. Oil Temperature.

Moving on the main/center panel:

Center instruments
  1. GPS/Transponder, powered by Shergood. More information on its operation can be found in the Shergood webpage.

  2. Warning lights.

  3. Fuel quantity percentage (%). Each tank takes 912 gallons of JP-5 fuel (simulated as "JPA" in the KellyFuel pump).

  4. Fuel flow in hundreds of pounds per minute (rescaled for the SL simulation).

We now turn to the right-seat pilot instruments and PFD.

Copilot instruments
  1. DC Battery (volts). At least 27V required for the engine starter. The battery bleeds out (faster or slower depending on what you turn on). If it drops below 20V, external power or APU is necessary to power the avionics.

  2. Flaps position indicator (0, 10, 20, 30 degrees).

  3. Landing Gear status indicator. Green color indicates gear is down and locked. Red color indicates landing gear system in motion. White color indicates gear is up.

  4. Flight Hydraulic pressure. The Flight Hydraulic system provides pressure to the primary flight controls.

  5. Combined Hydraulic pressure. The Combined Hydraulic system provides fluid pressure to remaining subsystems (landing gear, ramp, flaps, wing fold, arresting hook).

Approach Indexer

The Approach Indexer lights are located on the glareshield, with a separate device for the left and the right seat pilot. The Indexer lights are an indispensable tool for visually maintaining on-speed AOA approaches. The legend below identifies the Indexer symbology and its correspondence to the AOA indicator.

C2 view


The C-2 engines require both electric power as well as air pressure in order to start. This is accomplished with the help of either the Ground Power Unit & Air Start Unit combo, or (for complete autonomy) of the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU). Both options are described below.


The C-2 currently supports 2 options for fueling:

Cargo system & GTFO!

The C-2 comes with a simple and fun system that allows avatars to load and unload a number of premade cargo crates. This feature requires you to be at a location which allows rezzing.

As of v1.1, the C-2 is GTFO! ready. You can add your own cargo links, as follows:

Your cargo crates will start to become visible when loading a GTFO! job, and will become invisible when you are unloading. For information on how to configure the GTFO! notecard, see the GTFO! webpage

Warning lights & Failures

The C-2 warning panel contains nine warning lights, as shown in the legend below:

Annunciator Panel legend

Flight Characteristics & Notes

Normal Operations (Ashore)

C2 view

In addition to the following notes, use the checklist to ensure proper aircraft configuration for the various stages of flight.

Normal Takeoff

  • Check your lineup using the PFD compass. Check flaps extended (as required). Check all warning lights extinguished. Set the brakes.

  • Set takeoff power to 90-100% throttle. Release the brakes. Monitor airspeed and rotate at or above 30 knots. Gently raise the nose to +5 degrees pitch, then gradually to around +10 or +15 degrees pitch.

  • Upon establishing a positive rate of climb raise the landing gear. Retract flaps above 35 knots. Set climb power to around 70%. Monitor airspeed and adjust pitch and throttle accordingly.

  • Upon reaching cruise altitude set cruise power around 60-65%.

Normal Approach (Visual, Straight-in, Constant AOA)

It is possible to fly the final approach with the nose slightly below the horizon and flare it (raise the nose above the horizon just prior to touch down), so that the main gear touches down first. However, this is not the standard approach procedure for the C-2. Instead, the C-2 flies on-speed approaches (or, constant AOA approaches). The procedure is described here.

  • Start at throttle 55%, wings level, gear down, flaps extended 30 degrees, at an initial altitude of 30 meters AGL (above runway elevation). Nose initially on the horizon and vertical speed zero (maintaining altitude).

  • Line up early. At a distance of 1.5 sims from the runway, power down to 50%. The aircraft will slow down and have the tendency to descend. To prevent this, gently raise the nose just slightly (do not exceed 5 degrees above the horizon) maintain altitude. Do NOT raise the nose abruptly or too high, or you will stall the aircraft.

  • One sim before the runway, enter the glide path (i.e. start descent on final approach). To do this, reduce throttle gradually to 45% and then 40% (as required). The nose of the aircraft should be around 2.5 to 5 degrees pitch up (above the horizon). Note that the aircraft nose will have the tendency to drop, so correct this by briefly tapping the "S" (or Down Arrow) key, to maintain the nose above the horizon. Your airspeed should stabilize at around 25-26 knots. Excessive positive pitch will increase your AOA, and might stall the aircraft, so monitor the Approach Indexer lights to stay "on speed". You are aiming for the amber "cicle" light. Ideally, you want to establish a stabilized approach (constant pitch, constant power setting, constant airspeed, constant AOA).

  • In this configuration, throttle primarily controls your descent rate, while pitch (up/down nose) controls your airspeed.

  • The optimal glideslope for this aircraft is around 6-7 degrees. If you start too high, you will not be able to lose the excess altitude easily (you would have to reduce power to 30% and let the nose drop below the horizon for a bit). If you are too shallow, add power to reduce your descent rate. High and fast is better than low and slow. If you think you aren't coming in correctly for the approach, wave off and try it again. Being at the right initial approach altitude, controlling your airspeed and your pitch angle are the key.

  • If you are correctly stabilized for approach, you should NOT need to reduce nor cut power for landing (that is, if your airspeed on final approach is stable at around 26 knots). If you drop power below 40% under those conditions will result in a significant loss of altitude (and if you pull up suddenly or too hard/too much, you might stall it as well). If you are at the correct airspeed but too high, let the nose drop to the horizon (or even below it, momentarily) and drop power slightly and only for as long as needed to increase your descent rate. Then, power back to 40% and bring the nose back between 2.5 to 5 degrees above the horizon. If you are below glideslope, add power and adjust as needed. If you are descending too fast, reduce power and slightly lift the nose. If you are too too slow, add power slightly and slightly lower the nose. Overall, aim to be around 40-45% power during final (ideally 40%).

  • Only minor pitch corrections (tapping the "S" or DownArrow key periodically) are needed in order to keep the constant AOA ("amber circle light"). If all goes well you will reach the runway threshold at a height of about 10 feet (~3 meters). Normally, this aircraft requires no flare and should just touch down on its own with the main gear first. If you need to make a "smoother" landing, you can slightly add power to 45% just before touchdown. Adding too much power may balloon the aircraft and lead to a long landing, so avoid adding extra power just prior to touchdown if your airspeed is more than 30 knots.

  • Avoid nose first landings. Obviously :)

Carrier Operations

C2 carrier

This is where things get interesting!

The C-2 is an aircraft made for COD (Carrier Onboard Delivery), meaning the transport of supplies and personnel to and from aircraft carriers.

Carrier Launch

This will work on any carrier or launch platform equipped with AMOK compatible catapults.

  • Position the C-2 so its towbar is directly over the shuttle.

  • Check your lineup. Check that the wings are unfolded. Extend flaps to 10 degrees. Check all warning lights extinguished. Set the brakes.

  • Initiate the launch sequence from the catapult (on MFFK carriers, click the bubble next to the catapult). A message in local chat saying "Preparing to launch" will confirm that the sequence has initiated.

  • The launch is automatic (no need to set takeoff power nor release brakes). Keep hands off the controls until you are clear of the deck.

  • Once you are clear of the deck, gently raise the nose to gradually start your climb and execute a small clearance turn.

  • Upon establishing a positive rate of climb raise the landing gear. Retract flaps above 35 knots. Set climb power to around 70%. Monitor airspeed and adjust pitch and throttle accordingly.

  • Upon reaching cruise altitude set cruise power around 60-65%.

Carrier Recovery

C2 landing pattern

The Navy uses a portside (left-handed) landing pattern for carrier recoveries. The procedure for the C-2 simulation in SL is outlined below.

Important: all AGL altitudes for this procedure refer to heights above the flight deck level of the carrier! In MFFK carriers, the flight deck is at ~40 meters elevation.

  • INITIAL ENTRY: Overfly the carrier (slightly displaced to its right) at 70% power or more, hook extended at an altitude 40m AGL (above deck level). Verify the landing deck is clear.

  • BREAK: Either half-way inside the carrier sim, or preferably half-way inside the next sim, execute a left break maneuver as follows: apply left roll (~30-45 degrees), and make any necessary pitch adjustments to maintain altitude. The goal is to fly a half-circle arc, gradually powering down to 50-55% during the turn. You will have to gradually ease the turn by reducing the roll angle, so that you end up flying the reciprocal heading.

  • DESCEND TO 30m AGL: Upon exiting the break, extend full flaps (30 deg) and lower the landing gear. You should be flying at 50-55% power and descend to 30m AGL.

  • ON ALTITUDE 30m AGL: At the abeam position (carrier's stern across your left wing), you should be on altitude (30m AGL), at 50% power and fully configured. The aircraft may have the tendency to descend, so slight nose up attitude is required to maintain altitude.

  • 180 POSITION: Half-way inside the approach sim (behind the carrier), reduce power to 45%, roll the aircraft left by ~20 degrees, and pitch the nose up to remain "on speed" (in other words, maintain 15 units AOA). For the last part, instead of looking at the AOA gauge, use the AOA indicator lights and pitch the nose up until the amber circle illuminates. The goal here is to turn while descending and while remaining on-speed. Do NOT look at the carrier at this stage. Fly the procedure as described instead.

  • 90 POSITION: At this position, 90 degrees of turn remain until lineup. Continue the turn at 45% power, 15-20 degrees of roll, and stay on-speed (amber circle light on the Approach Indexer). In Mouselook view, you may now slightly turn your camera angle (using the mouse), and take a quick peek at the carrier so you can adjust and ease your turn accordingly. Remember to return to forward Mouselook view afterwards.

  • GROOVE: Once the carrier becomes visible in your field of view, power down to 40% and continue the last few degrees of turn left until lineup. Remain on-speed (amber circle Indexer light). At this stage, your descent is controlled by the throttle while pitch controls your speed. Ideally, a 40% throttle will be all you need until a smooth trap. Several quick but small corrections may be needed (alignment, pitch, throttle).

    DO NOT FLARE. There are no smooth touchdowns here. Navy carrier recoveries are more like "controlled crashes" on deck. Maintain on-speed AOA all the way until touchdown.

  • If you are slightly above glideslope, throttle down briefly to 35% (in extreme cases 30%), but only for a split second, before you power back up to 40%. If you are slightly below glideslope, power up briefly to 45%, but only for as long as needed to return to the correct glideslope. Quickly set throttle back to 40%.

  • TRAP:If all goes well, your hook should hopefully catch the arrestor cables and bring the C-2 to a full stop on deck. Retract the hook, fold the wings, and release the brakes. Carefully and expeditiously clear the landing area, because another aircraft may be on approach behind you.

Emergency Procedures

The C-2 does not have random failures, but failures can occur as a result of the pilot's actions. Those can be turned off by the chat command input "failures". The most common failures are either due to incorrect fuel being fed into the tanks, due to exceeding engine ITT during flight, or due to hot-starting the engine. The warning/annunciator lights will give an indication of the failure and give the pilot the chance to hopefully land the aircraft in time.

In case of single or dual engine failure during flight, the recommended procedure (assuming you have sufficient altitude) is:

Chat Commands


Mesh & Textures: MFFK (Mofafeikou.resident)

Scripts and Systems Design: ICE Tech (NatalyaPetrova.resident)


Special thanks go to:

as well as to Luke Flywalker and Salina Warwick for their incredible support, and especially to Kelly Shergood (Shergood Aviation) for her invaluable help and advice.