FMS & Autopilot Tutorial

A quick introduction to some of the FMS and Autopilot features of the T-700.
For a more detailed discussion, refer to the operating manual.

Video Tutorial:

This tutorial is to be used as reference for SL Aviation Network's video:

We suggest that you watch the video first and then use this page for quick reference, as you practice it on your own.

The full operating manual contains a more detailed outline on both the FMS and Autopilot systems.


  1. Planning the flight
  2. Preflight
  3. Startup and Taxi
  4. Takeoff and Climb
  5. Cruise
  6. Approach and Landing
  7. Taxi to the gate and Shutdown
  8. Default Gestures Reference

Planning the flight

In this tutorial we are going to make an instrument flight from Angels N2 (Wyrldmaker) to Second Norway, and highlight the basics aspects of the T-700 FMS and Autopilot.

Open up the Shergood radar page and find our departure and destination airports on the map. Make sure to pick the ICAO codes for the departure and destination airports, the runway name and the elevation at the destination airport:

Next, let's chose the cruise altitude for the flight. A reasonable choice will be

Next, we need to decide on the actual route. With the Shergood map open, our goal is to pick a series of waypoints, to arrive on a long final in the Norway channel for our approach. To avoid sim corners, in this tutorial we will just pick waypoints such that the plane will fly along cardinal directions (North/South/East or West).

Here's what I've picked for this flight:

This choice of waypoints is enough to fly us south past Fiji, through Blake Gulf, and into the channel leading to Norway for our approach.


Now that we've decided on our route, it's time to program our flight plan into the FMS. We strongly recommend that you activate the gestures provided and take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the trigger keys for each one.

  1. Turn on the battery, cockpit lights and navigation lights: bat, cl, nav

  2. Attach external power to the aircraft (type gpu) and click on the GPU to turn it on

  3. Turn on the GPS and FMS by typing: gps

  4. Input the flight plan by typing: plan SLNT, ASCAL, GOULE, X6P5, AREZO, XL9Y, CARIB, AEGEN, SNUGS, SLSN.RW09R

    Notice that we added the arrival runway in the format .RW09R at the end of the arrival airport, to specify that we'll be flying the runway 09R ILS approach.

  5. Check that all waypoints appear correctly in the blue FMS screen. Type p1, p2, etc to display all pages of the flight plan, and return to the first page p1 when ready.

  6. Optionally, click on the GPS screen map in the aircraft, select the FPL button and enter SLNT as the destination, runway 09R for the approach, and use the + button to add the main waypoints ASCAL, X6P5, AREZO, XL9Y, AEGEN, SNUGS into the SA GPS as well then click the ACTIVATE button.

  7. Set the cruise altitude to 200 in the autopilot glareshield (with default gestures, press = to increase or - to decrease the preset altitude or type alt 200)

  8. Set the initial climb rate to 900 fpms (with default gestures, press p to increase or l to decrease or type vs 900)

  9. Set the initial heading to the departure runway heading, i.e. 090. (with default gestures, press and hold > or < until the AP heading on the gladeshield reads 090 or type hdg 090)

    Cross check that the magenta heading bug also marks an Eastern heading on the HSI

  10. Set the parking brakes and the white anti-collision lights: br, strobe

  11. Check fuel quantity for the flight, as required.

We are now ready for engine start.

Startup and Taxi

  1. Once you've performed all necessary checks and no obstacles or ground crew are near the aircraft, start the engines: s

  2. Monitor the engine ITT and wait for it to stabilize. Check that all warning lights are extinguished.

  3. Disconnect external power: gpu

  4. Since this is a longer flight, we will zoom out the GPS screen by typing gps z4 (i.e. zoom level 4)

  5. Release parking brakes: br

  6. Taxi and hold short of the active runway 09 at SLNT, using maximum 5% throttle during turns and 10% throttle for straight movement

  7. Set flaps for takeoff: f

  8. Turn on landing lights: ll

  9. Arm the ALT, VS and HDG modes of the autopilot (with default gestures, press 9, 8 and 7 or type alt, vs and hdg)

  10. Verify that the ALT, VS and HDG mode lights turn green in the glareshield

  11. Check that the runway is clear on both directions and line up at 5% power, and with the nose gear touching the runway centerline.

  12. Cross check the heading in the HSI is aligned with the 'E' letter, i.e. east

We are now lined up, configured and ready for the takeoff roll.

Takeoff and Climb

Be ready to monitor the airspeed indicator. Our rotation speed will be 25 knots.

  1. Push the throttle up all the way up 100% to start the takeoff roll.

  2. Monitor the airspeed. As soon as it exceeds 25 knots, gently lift the nose gradually to 5 and then 10 degrees above the horizon (use the artificial horizon if needed)

  3. Monitor the vertical speed indicator. As soon as a positive rate of climb is established, raise the landing gear: g

  4. Gradually throttle down to 80% and then 70%, while making sure the airspeed stays above 30 knots

  5. Activate the Autopilot (using default gestures, press SHIFT+H or type ap)

  6. Check that the airspeed is above 35 knots and retract the flaps: f

  7. Maintain 65-70% power during the climb

  8. Activate the LNAV mode so the autopilot can follow the FMS waypoints (using gestures, press 6 or type lnav)

  9. When the aircraft reaches the present altitude of 200m, the altitude warning horn will momentarily buzz, and the aircraft will stabilize at the cruise altitude. Throttle down to 60% for cruise.

  10. Turn off landing lights: ll


If you've followed the tutorial this far, the aircraft should be cruising at an altitude of 200 meters at around 60% throttle, and following the programmed waypoints via the autopilot LNAV system.

At this stage you can simply let the aircraft fly the route. However, you should always monitor the flight and be ready to intervene in case the aircraft tries to fly into a sim corner (for whatever reason).

The aircraft will eventually enter Blake Sea Gulf and overfly waypoint CARIB, and continue along the channel leading to Second Norway.

Approach and Landing

After passing waypoint CARIB, it is time to start preparing our descent and approach into Norway. The next active waypoint in the FMS screen should be AEGEN. That will be our top of descent point.

We have already programmed our approach into the FMS (we'll be landing on runway 09R), so the autopilot will automatically switch into ILS mode after reaching the last GPS fix (SNUGS) before the destination airport.

All we need to do is bring the aircraft to the correct approach altitude and configure it for landing before it reaches SNUGS.

  1. Set the approach altitude at 100m above the runway elevation, i.e. set an altitude of 130 (type alt 130 or use the gesture keys - and =)

  2. A couple of sims before waypoint AEGEN, start the descent by setting a vertical speed -500 fpms (type vs -500 or use gesture keys l and p)

  3. Throttle down to 50% power

  4. Turn on the landing lights: ll

  5. As the aircraft stablizes at 130m of altitude, extend flaps: f

  6. When the aircraft reaches SNUGS, check that the HSI switches into ILS mode (yellow course deviation indicator) and begins alignment

  7. Lower the landing gear: g

  8. Disarm the Altitude Select mode (default gesture 9 or type alt)

  9. This will allow the aircraft to capture the glideslope for runway 09R

  10. Cross-check that the AP, LNAV and VS mode lights are green in the autopilot glareshield panel

  11. Monitor the light blue glideslope diamond in the HSI. As you get closer to the runway, it will start moving downwards.

  12. As soon as the glideslope diamond reaches the center of the HSI, power down to 40% and the aircraft will capture the glideslope and commence the final approach

  13. Cross-check that green LNAV mode light has now been replaced by a green APPR light

  14. The aircraft should now be configured and establish a stablized approach to runway 09R

  15. Monitor the final approach and listen to the altitude callouts

  16. The aircraft has NO autoland feature, so the autopilot MUST be deactivated for a manual landing

  17. When the MINIMUMS callout is given and, provided you have the runway in sight, deactivate the autopilot (default gesture: SHIFT+H or type ap)

  18. Wait for the altitude callouts FIFTY, FORTY, ...

  19. After the THIRTY callout, start your flare. Pull and hold the nose at 5 degrees above the horizon (use the artificial horizon if needed)

    The aircraft will touch down on its own with the main gear first

  20. After touchdown, gently bring the nose down so the nose gear touches down as well, and throttle down to reverse thrust (if you need to slow down quickly) or at 10% to continue taxiing

  21. Continue taxiing and vacate the runway

Taxi to the gate and Shutdown

After vacating the runway you will taxi to the gate of your choice for shutdown

  1. Upon vacating the runway, retract flaps: f

  2. Turn off landing lights: ll

  3. Clear the FMS: ils off

  4. Turn off the GPS: gps

  5. After reaching the gate or the parking stand of your choice, set brakes: br

  6. Shut down the engine: s

  7. After engine shutdown, turn off exterior lights: strobe and nav

  8. Turn off cockpit lights: cl

  9. Turn off the battery master switch: bat

Congratulations on completing this tutorial!

Default Gestures Reference

Listed in the format: [Gesture name], ([Trigger key]), [effect]